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NATE WILLIAMS   has been writing scripts for the last 17 years. In
1993 he wrote, produced, and directed the short film THE O.Gs... A
story of a thirty-year-old gangster who gives  his life over to Christ and
personally influences a younger gang member to leave the life as well.
Nate has also collaborated professionally with actors Kellie Williams
and Darius McCarary of FAMILY MATTERS. In 2007, Nate wrote
and directed the short THE FACES OF FUNK, taken from a future
feature length script ICEMOSIS. Writing the script THE 3rd COAST
came about when Nate and Morris Chestnut talked about doing a
project together. Originally named "CARTOONS", the film is based
on a slice of the life of Nate and his younger brother, Aaron P. Woods.
Growing up in Beaumont Texas, Nate and his brother played football,
and like the character in his film THE 3rd COAST, playing football
was not challenging enough for him so he joined the U.S. Navy. Since
coming to California, Nate has worked with Charlie Jordan, director
of SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT, and skilled producers such as